
*本網頁內的資料如有任何改動,恕不另行通知。,Aninteractivewebpagethattransformsreal-timespeechintoanimateddrawings.Usercandescribeascenewithhis/herspokenwordsandthecanvaswillreact ...,Whatifthespokenwordcouldbetransformedintodynamicvisualworldsinrealtime?Speechinput,machinelearningandrecurrentneuralnetworksforimage ...,2019年6月11日—到了2018年,有更多延伸應用,像是:【ScribblingSpeech】、【Draw...

Scribbling Speech


Scribbling Speech by Xinyue Yang

An interactive webpage that transforms real-time speech into animated drawings. User can describe a scene with his/her spoken words and the canvas will react ...

Scribbling Speech by Xinyue Yang

What if the spoken word could be transformed into dynamic visual worlds in real time? Speech input, machine learning and recurrent neural networks for image ...

數位科技系列:6款Google Experiments 所提供的數位參與 ...

2019年6月11日 — 到了2018年,有更多延伸應用,像是:【Scribbling Speech】、【Draw to Art】等都是在2017年所發展的AI Sketching (人工智慧塗鴉)應用的基礎上:「辨畫 ...


Scribbling Speech(即時口語變成動畫) Semantris(字詞關聯遊戲) Talk ...

Scribbling Speech

Scribbling Speech. Join the community. Scribbling Speech. you speak, I draw. listen. move. free: Yes. skill level: 1. coding knowledge: None.

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體
